The De Mohrenschildt's

JFK Assassination
Randy Bednorz
Posts: 7
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Re: The De Mohrenschildt's

Post by Randy Bednorz »

I've actually made two more discoveries in my own research since our last exchange -- two more indications of what I'd been looking for in my "forensic literary research." What exactly happened with deMorhenshildt, Nagell, Bowers, Morales, Roselli -- we may never know for certain. One assumes "foul play," given the chronological proximity of their deaths to their appointments for testimony -- or the prospect of testimony. I'd always found it interesting that William Casey, Ed Lansdale and Dave Phillips all died of cancer (or similar) within a year's time -- in the aftermath of Iran-Contra.Of course, we can "guess." We can "speculate." But even if we argue that we "know" -- a more definite assertion than "suspecting" or "believing" -- let me quote Denzel Washington in the cop-thriller/crime-drama "Training Day:""It's not what you know . . . . it's what you can prove!"I'm assuming you're "European" -- Dutch, perhaps. I feel uncomfortable being an "American." I think often that I'm living in the midst of "Crazy-Land" -- if only "crazy-land" were just a set of amusement-park rides you could take at Disneyland. If that were the case, I'd drive over to Anaheim once a year, pay for some tickets, eventually return here to just grow tomatoes and make my sauce -- without a care in the world.Back in '99, when I first got interested in what Hunt had called "The Big Event," I knew a young Russian woman who had come to US on college scholarship. Her parents had been employed in Russian aerospace industry. When I mentioned my interest -- the "topic" -- she leaned across the restaurant table, swinging her lovely blond locks of hair, big, blue eyes wide open -- to say "Who keeled Keen-nedy?! Who keeled Keen-nedy?!"I've come to believe, in an age of "Crazy," that people from just about everywhere else have a more sensible attitude about this "thing" than do -- well -- now it's 40% of the American public.So one has to wonder, using the jargon of "communication research" and "propaganda science:" Just who were the primary "target audiences" of "The Big Event" and its news-spin Lie? Jim Angleton and the CIA upper-echelon? That -- plus the entire National Security Apparatus? The American public? The whole world? Or -- all of the above?Back to "strange deaths." I could expand my curiosity to a focus on RFK and MLK. But the most important of all -- the coup d'état and murder of a "Head of State." Living in "Crazy-Land," it becomes easier and easier to step back from being a "subject" and pawn, and see that world history -- yes, "World" history -- has been derailed for 50 years. Either that, or it has become one, aimless, crazy billiard ball.
Tommy Wilkens
Posts: 26
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Re: The De Mohrenschildt's

Post by Tommy Wilkens »

Thanks once again for your reply Randy. No I am 100% American but married to a wonderful Dutch woman who has been right by my side through out our research and study of the Willem Oltmans and George De Mohrenschildt story. Her contributions to the study and the project are just unmeasurable.Once we arrived in The Netherlands and finally gained access to the Oltmans archives we found a large portion of the files and records were written in Dutch. So thank goodness she speaks Dutch. Along with German French English and Flemish.And writes in all five also.There is surely a load of craziness out here that's for sure.
Randy Bednorz
Posts: 7
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Re: The De Mohrenschildt's

Post by Randy Bednorz »

Vrolijk Kerstfeest! [We seem to be the only ones here today, and I'm a bit embarrassed at the number of "last posts" with my name.]
Tommy Wilkens
Posts: 26
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Re: The De Mohrenschildt's

Post by Tommy Wilkens »

And a joyful Christmas to you also Randy !!!