A shot from the front

JFK Assassination
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Re: A shot from the front

Post by Slav »

What state is he in?Do you know if he is open to talking ?
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Re: A shot from the front

Post by Bob »

JDB4JFK, I misunderstood your previous post. I'm glad Jack Lawrence is alive and well. Not many of the so-called participants in the JFK assassination are anymore. I have not read any recent comments from Lawrence regarding 11/22/1963. If he is willing to speak, than we should definitely try and contact him. But based on his silence up to this point, I doubt whether he would. But one never knows.
steve manning
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Re: A shot from the front

Post by steve manning »

"why would conspirators go through the trouble of setting up Lee as a lone assassin who would be shooting from the rear, only to have a sniper take an early shot from the front? Makes no sense at all."Bob JonasBecause the abort order could have affected the final implementation of the plan. Apparently, among the shooting teams, there were some who had no intention of capitulating to the abort order (such as the mob). If correct, with the exception of Nicoletti and Files, any other non-aborting shooters who were also stationed in front of the POTUS, may have assumed they were the only ones left to do the job. It is highly conceivable that one or two teams were CIA and perhaps more inclined to obey the CIA abort order, than any of the mob shooters like Nicoletti, who said, "fuck em, its goin anyway." So, in the last few minutes prior to the shooting, one or two of those in front of the POTUS could have called an audible, and started shooting as soon as the POTUS came into their sites. They had to make sure JFK did not leave the plaza alive.Steve
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Re: A shot from the front

Post by kenmurray »

Bob Lilly
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Re: A shot from the front

Post by Bob Lilly »

Bob, It does seem like the conspirators were prepared to cover up the shots from front. That reconstructive undertaker guy was called into duty. Can't remember his name but his wife and step daughter said he disappeared for a day and was very nervous when he returned home. He then took his family on a long drive in Texas, visited his brother speaking suspiciously and holed up in a Motel Room anxiously watching TV then was relieved and returned home when he saw Ruby kill Oswald.There was some speculation that he "operated" on JFK while after his body left hospital in fancy coffin and before it arrived at Bethesda in a cheap coffin.I also wonder if they smashed Tippets skull and took pictures of him to substitute for JFK. Is there a chain of possession for Tippet's body?Very interesting stuff Bob.
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Re: A shot from the front

Post by Bob »

Bob Lilly wrote:Bob, It does seem like the conspirators were prepared to cover up the shots from front. That reconstructive undertaker guy was called into duty. Can't remember his name but his wife and step daughter said he disappeared for a day and was very nervous when he returned home. He then took his family on a long drive in Texas, visited his brother speaking suspiciously and holed up in a Motel Room anxiously watching TV then was relieved and returned home when he saw Ruby kill Oswald.There was some speculation that he "operated" on JFK while after his body left hospital in fancy coffin and before it arrived at Bethesda in a cheap coffin.I also wonder if they smashed Tippets skull and took pictures of him to substitute for JFK. Is there a chain of possession for Tippet's body?Very interesting stuff Bob.Bob, the undertaker guy you were thinking of is John Ligget. Ligget was also a member of the Louisiana Civil Air Patrol. Other members of the LCAP include Lee Harvey Oswald, David Ferrie, Charles Rogers, Barry Seal and James R. Bath (Dumbya Bush's buddy in the Texas Air National Guard). The LCAP was founded by D.H. Byrd who also just happened to own the Texas School Book Depository on 11/22/1963.I'm not sure exactly what Ligget's role was, but it appears that he had some role. Perhaps he was in the chopper that flew JFK's body to Bethesda in the cheap shipping casket, while the ornamental casket (which was empty) was being driven to Bethesda, with Jackie and Bobby in the car. We do know that there was a pre-autopsy procedure (before the actual autopsy) on JFK at Bethesda which was witnessed by Thom Robinson.